Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fashion Goals

After browsing various fashion blogs (specifically Style for the SAHM,) I noticed that quite a few of these ladies have their own fashion "goals." For instance, at SAHM, she wants to project an image of an elegant, sophisticated mom, and her clothing reflects that.

This got me thinking, what are my own personal fashion goals? I decided to make a list here, & describe them in detail. This may even help some of you who are looking to make your own goals!

Fashion Goals
1. Finish my "Style File." I've recently began a notebook filled with styles that I like. I'm also planning on writing down things I want/trends I like, etc. I think this will help me "define" my style & will help with shopping. (Again, this idea came from Style for the SAHM.) As soon as I get a little length to it, I'll post pictures here for ideas.

2. Get rid of my old clothes & shoes. My clothes are currently...well, not me. Granted, I do have a few things that I adore, (it's been a slow transition from jeans & tees to the style I like,) but I still have quite a few tee-shirts, jeans, and shoes that either no longer fit or I no longer wear. When it comes time, (I'm thinking June), I will go through each & every piece in my closest & drawers & be brutal. If I don't wear it, to charity it goes. (I'm trying to think of this way...the more I get rid of, the more I get to buy!)

3. When buying clothes, try everything on & make sure that it has something it can go with! This is a huge problem of mine - I'm an impulse shopper. That tee-shirt only comes in XXS? No problem! I'll take three. I need to try things on & make sure that I lovelovelove them rather than blowing money on things that aren't fabulous. Also, they should go with things I already have. (Or I should be willing to buy the entire outfit.)

My list now is pretty short, but I'll update this later. At the moment, I'm typing in a wrist brace & it is a bit difficult.
