Thursday, March 27, 2008
Balenciaga-inspired shoes!

I don't know why, but I adore them. And now, look at this pair I found, for $13! They're not exact, but they're similar! What would you rock them with?

Ashlee Renea
Posted by Cashmere Mafia at 6:52 PM 4 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Tackling the closet.
I finally organized my closet today! I got rid of SO much stuff, it's ridiculous. Not only did my sister end up with about 20 new tops and five pairs of jeans, I have a trash bag full of things for charity. [:
Also, my shopping list is much shorter. I didn't realize how many things I already have! Instead of needing $400, I only need - get this! - $136! (For five long-sleeved tops, one tube top, and two pairs of jeans.) I'm seriously amazed!
Ashlee Renea
Posted by Cashmere Mafia at 12:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Shopping Spree & New Shoes!
I ended up buying the shoes in the below post! They're really comfortable & I got soooo many compliments. Nobody believed me when I said they were from Payless, haha!
Also, I decided to forget about my $400 shopping spree. That's like four months of no-shopping, and I just can't handle that! So, I'll still stick to my list, but just go in shorter bits.
That being said - Spring Break is next week and I'm going to go through my closet and get rid of a lot and also take note of things I already have so that I can refine my list, specifically tops. I love jeans too much to give up any of the ones on my list!
I know this is a short post, especially since they've been few and far between lately, but senior year is sooo stressful. I have two major projects I have to work on - ugh! Only two months left! :]
Ashlee Renea
Posted by Cashmere Mafia at 6:04 PM 0 comments